Natural Language


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ACCESS Automated Call Center Through Speech Understanding System (see DAS too)
ALEP Advanced Language Engineering Platform
ANTHEM Advanced natural language interface for multilingual text generation in healthcare
APOLLO An Open Workbench for Multilingual Document Creation and Maintenance
ARISE Automatic railway information (see MAIS y RAILTEL too)
AVENTINUS Advanced Information System for Multinational Drug Enforcement
CAT2-EDS Industrial validation of a unification-based MT prototype

Caller Verification In Banking And Telecommunications (see PICASSO too)

COBALT Construction, augmentation and use of knowledge bases from natural language documents
COLSIT Constraint-based linguistic specifications for Italian
COMPASS Adapting bilingual dictionaries for on-line COMPrehenson ASSistance
COOP-CEE Survey of Language Engineering Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe and New Independent States
COOP-USA International Cooperation for EAGLES
CRATER Corpus resources and terminology extraction
CRISTAL Conceptual retrieval of information using semantic dictionary in three languages
DECIDE Designing and evaluation extraction tools for collocations in dictionaries and corpora
DELIS Descriptive lexical specifications and tools for corpus-based lexicon building
DIET Diagnostic and Evaluation Tools for Natural Language Applications
DISCOURSE Towards a declarative theory of discourse
DOCWARE Document localisation work bench
DOCSTEP Product documentation creation and management using STEP (see the first phase of DOCSTEP)
DOME Document management in health care systems
EAGLES Expert advisory group on language engineering standards (see the first phase of EAGLES)
ECRAN Extraction of Content: Research At Near-market
EDITO Digital Handling and Distribution of Personalized Press Clippings
ELRA European Language Resources Association
ELSE Evaluation in Language and Speech Engineering
EUROCOCOSDA European interface to COCOSDA
EUROMAP European Opportunity Mapping
EUROsearch EuroSearch
EUROWORDNET Building a Multilingual Wordnet Database with Semantic Relations between Words
FACILE Fast and Accurate Categorisation of Information by Language Engineering
FRACAS A framework for computational semantics
FRELIS French linguistic specifications
GIST Generating instructional text
GLOSSASOFT Methods and guidelines for interlinguality in software construction
GRAMCHECK A bilingual grammar and style checker
HAGIS Hazardous Goods Information System
IDAS Interactive telephone-based Directory Assistance Services (see ACCESS too)
ILAM Interactive language acquisition through multimedia simulated conversation and pronunciation
INDOCREN Intelligent document creation environment
INTERVAL Interlinguistic Terminology Validation
ISLE Interactive Spoken Language Education
LANGSGAN Language specification for Greek adaption to a new notation
LE-PAROLE Preparatory Action for Linguistic Resources Organisation for Language Engineering
LETRAC Language Engineering for Translator Curricula
LINDA Linguistic specifications for Danish
LINGLINK Support and Promotion for Language Engineering in Europe
LINGUANET Communicating Through the Language Barrier (it's relationed with SENSUS)
LOTOS Learner orientated language tutoring shell
LRs-P&P Language resources; packaging and production
LS-GRAM Large-scale grammars for EU-languages
MABLE Multilingual Authoring of Business Letters
MAIS Multilingual automatic inquiry systems (see the project ARISE too)
MATE Multilevel Annotation; Tools Engineering
MAITS Multilingual Application Interface for Telematic Services
MAY Multilingual Access to Yellow Pages
MECOLB Mulilingual Environment for Corpus-Based Lexicon Building
MEMORIA Multimedia electronic memories at hand
MIETTA Multilingual Information Extraction for Tourism and Travel Assistance
MLSFG Monolingual specifications for German
MODUL Monolingual linguistic specifications for Dutch
MULINEX Multilingual Indexing, Navigation and Editing Extensions for the World Wide Web
MULTEXT Multilingual text tools and corpora
MULTI-TALE The generation of multi-lingual specialised lexicons using augmented lemmatizer - taggers
MULTIDOC Multilingual Document Processing
MULTIMETEO Multilingual Production of Weather Forecasts (en español)
OLIVE A multilingual indexing tool for broadcast material based on speech recognition (see POP-EYE too)
ONOMASTICA Multi-language pronounciation dictionary of proper names
OTELO Open Translation Environment for Localization
PAROLE Preparatory action for linguistic resources organization for language engineering (see LE-PAROLE and the developmento of SIMPLE)
PICASSO Pioneering caller authentication for secure service operation (see CAVE)
POINTER Proposals for an operational infrastructure for terminology in Europe
POP-EYE A multilingual continuous video disclosing tool, based on subtitle indexing and partial translation (see OLIVE)
RAILTEL Railway telephone information service (relationed with ARISE)
RECALL Repairing Errors in Computer Aided Language Learning
REFMAN Investigation of linguistic specifications for future industrial standards: The EUROTRA reference manual
RELATOR A European network of repositories for linguistic resources
RENOS Reduction of noise and silence infull text retrieval systems for legal texts
REWARD REal World Applications of Robust Dialogue
RGR The reusability of grammatical resources
SCARRIE Scandinavian proof reading tools
SECC A simplified English grammar and style checker/corrector
SELECT Strategies for European LE-Enhanced Communication Training
SENSUS LE for police and emergency service communications and information systems (see LinguaNet too)
SIFT Selecting information from text
SIMPLE Semantic information for multifunctional plurilingual lexica (see the previous part of development of LE-PAROLE y PAROLE)
SISTA Semiautomatic indexing system for technical abstracts
SPARKLE Shallow PARsing and Knowledge extraction for Language Engineering
SPEAK Supported prototype easy-access authoring keys
SpeechDat Speech Databases for Creation of Voice Driven Teleservices
SpeechDat-CAR Speech Databases for Voice Driven Teleservices and Control in Automotive Environments (relationed with SpeechDat)
SPEEDATA Speech recognition for data-entry applications
SQALE Speech recognition quality assessment for linguistic engineering
TAMIC-P Transparent access to multiple information for the citizen - pensions
TEMAA A testbed study of evaluation methodologies: authoring aids
TERM-IT Multilingual support for multimedia services
TRADE Translator demonstrator
TRANSLEARN Interactive corpus-based translation drafting tool
TransRouter Translation Router
TRANSTERM Creation, reuse, normalisation and integration of terminologies in natural language processing systems
TREE Trans European Employment
TRINDI Task-Oriented Instructional Dialogue
TSNLP Test suites for natural language processing
VODIS Advanced Speech Technologies for Voice Operated Driver Information Systems

