Dunja Mladenic


email: Dunja.Mladenic@ijs.si

Website: http://www-ai.ijs.si/DunjaMladenic/home.html




Departamento de Sistemas Inteligentes en Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Líneas de Investigación:

- Analysis of Large Text Datasets project;
- Yahoo Planet project
- Personal WebWatcher project (parte de CMU Text Learning Group work)
- The World Wide Knowledge Base (Web->KB)
- The Corpus Builder project
- PhD proyecto de tésis.
- Data Mining on the market basket analysis abstract of the paper William F. Eddy, Dunja Mladenic, Scott Ziolko: "Exploratory Analysis of Retail Sales of Billions of Items".
- Data Mining in Biomedicine on the AHRQ Bioterrorism Intitiative project investigating methods for the real-time detection and Inductive Concept Learning With Marko Grobelnik co-organizing Data Mining and Warehouses, AWAMIDA-2000, Conference on Analysis, Warehousing and Mining the Data. With Maja Skrjanc co-organizing Data Mining and Decision Support in Action!
- Application of ML to Discrete Event Simulation
- Data Visualisation in ML Machine Learning in Medicine and Pharmacology
- LogoS
- Encyclopaedia typesetting based on TeX
(Más información en su página web)


* Mladenic, D. (1998) Turning Yahoo into an Automatic Web-Page Classifier (uncompressed) Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Aritficial Intelligence ECAI'98 (pp. 473-474). (abstract)

* Mladenic, D., Grobelnik, M. (1998) Feature selection for clasification based on text hierarchy (uncompressed) Working notes of Learning from Text and the Web, Conference on Automated Learning and Discovery CONALD-98. (abstract)

* Mladenic, D., (1998) Feature subset selection in text-learning (uncompressed) 10th European Conference on Machine Learning ECML98. (abstract)

*Mladenic, D., (1998) Machine Learning on non-homogeneous, distributed text data (compressed) PhD thesis, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 1998.

*Mladenic, D., (1996) Personal WebWatcher: Implementation and Design (compressed) Technical Report IJS-DP-7472.
